Glossary: This will grow as I think of terms that maybe foreign (or someone tells me they need to be added)
- Arduino - this is both a software for compiling and uploading firmware, and the hardware it runs on. I use an Arduino Meda with a RAMPS shield for both of my printers. They are well-known and well-supported.
- BOM - bill of materials is a list of the parts you'll need to build the machine and where you can source them from.
- Driver - this is a hardware device that does the electrical switching of stepper motor coils to steps the motor forward or reverse. Common drivers are from Pololu and are the 4988 and 8825. I use both and like the 8825's on my delta. I did buy some for my Prusa during Black Friday, but have not installed them yet.
- Filament - this is the plastic stock and can be 3mm or 1.75mm. I use both, and to be honest I still prefer 3mm. I also prefer PLA since I'm so sensitive to fumes., but you may like ABS.
- Firmware - this is code that runs on the (for this discussion) Ardunio based controller. My CNC router has the PC has the controller and it sends signals to the drivers. For reprap, the PC send gcode to the controller which converts them into the step and direction signals (among other input and output signals)
- GCode - this is the language of CNC machines. You can have G codes and M codes and which ones do what depend on your firmware. I use Marlin so that is what I'll talk to.
- Host software - this is your user interface (assuming you are not using a smart LCD controller and SD) to your printer. I use and like Repetier, and I have started using Cura as well.
- Hotend - this is the heated nozzle where the filament is extruded. Common types are J-Head, Prusa, and E3D.
- OpenSCAD - this is opensource software that lets you create parametric 3D models using a c-like scripting language and simple geometric constructs. I use it and love it, but I'm no ninja with it. there are some great tutorials and you can learn a lot from reprap machines like
- Opensource - well to me it means free, someone creates something and puts it into the wild because they think others will find it useful. However, there is no promise of support so it's a take it or leave it proposition.
- RAMPS - this is an Ardunio shield that allows you to easily connect stepper drivers, hotends, servos, endstops, fans, etc to your Arduino. I'm using an v1.3 and v1.4 and I have a 1.0 from my old Sells Mendel
- Reprap - it means a lot of things, but to me it's is the community of machines, software, and people that build, support, and enjoy hobby 3D printing of the opensource kind.
- Slicer - this is software that takes a 3D model and slices into layers of gcode. Slicers can be integrated into the host software (Cura, Repetier, Pronterface) or stand along (Kisslicer)
Where do I start?
Well the first thing is I would say read forums, watch videos, and read the wiki's. The information is spread out all over the web. Google is your friend and reprap is a keyword you should always include in your searches.Common Questions
- I want a 3D printer, but I don't know which one. Or Which 3D printer is the best?
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Ultimaker Original |
So you need to decide, why you want a printer? To show off, to learn about them, to print whatever you dream up? The thing I learned is that people sell these printers and they only want to report the good. These things are a full-time hobby, you will have to constantly care for and feed them. Most of what you print will be to improve the printer or decorate it somehow. I know of very few examples where anything printed was practical, it's more for show (printed vases, printed small robots, gear cubes, iPhone cases, hell just browse Thingiverse). And for me, that's what I wanted. A CNC machine I could watch, tweak, and share with friends and the community. In fact most of what I've printed recently are set to build the mini Kossel delta printer. I'm not

- Ok I picked a printer now what?
- I got my parts, is there a user guide on how to put this all together?
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Linear rail guide |
Again, those were my criteria, you may put a higher price on initial cost or potential maintenance. With the rails, you screw them down, grease the trucks and you are go there is nothing to adjust. The only thing I have not been impressed with is the auto-probe. I had it probing, but I couldn't tell it did anything, YMMV but I say leave it off your list and leave it off your printer.
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mini Kossel belt tensioners |
- Ok, it's together, now how do I wire it up?
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RAMPS 1.4 |
Some of what I talk about is the same for other boards so I think there is still broad value in what I'll write. So the first thing is to find the
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DRV8825 Stepper driver board |
The simplest endstop is a mechanical switch. Some people like to jazz it up and add a LED or use opto interrupters or seems like hall effect sensors and magnets are in vogue...I say KISS (keep it simple) and use a bare microswitch with or without a lever it doesn't matter. Connect one wire to the NO (normally open) lead and one wire to the C (common) lead and connect the wires (doesn't matter which to which pin) to the S (signal) and -(read as minus or negative which is the same as Ground) pins on the RAMPS endstop header. Do not connect to + and - or you will short 5V to ground whenever your endstop is triggered (not good). Because we connected the endstop to NO, then the signal on the input will use the internal pull up to read greater than than 3.5V or logic 1. When the switch is tripped, the signal is grounded to 0V or logic 0. I think it's important you know why we did it this way and what to expect. Of course you can also use the NC (normally closed) and C (common) instead. This time the voltage will be 5V when not triggered (logic 1), so you would need to invert the logic in your configuration.h. The mini Kossel instructions call for it to be this way...but it doesn't matter since the logic can be flipped in firmware.

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Github download button |
This will save a zipped copy of the project to your computer. Personally I create a sub-directory under where I installed my Arduino software called reprap firmwares and unzip the contents into there. That way I can keep older copies of known working configurations. Wherever you unzip the files to, you should have a folder/directory structure like this:
- Marlin - this is the main/parent directory
- example_configurations
- delta
- You need to specify your MOTHERBOARD. This is another name for your controller and since we are using a RAMPs v1.4 we would set #define MOTHERBOARD 33. This lets the software know what pins on the AVR Mega (the microcontroller at the heart of our Arduino mega board) are mapped to what peripheral (endstops, step and direction pins on the stepper drivers, MOSFET outputs for the heater and fan, etc. Just a note, if you see a double slash like this // on a line, it means that line of code it commented out.
- Now you need some physical measurements from your machine. Values are for my machine, yours will vary I'm sure. Also, I won't even try to explain what all of these mean or do, I honestly don't care and if you do, this is way too basic a place to put that level of discussion in play.
- #define DELTA_DIAGONAL_ROD 215.0 // Center-to-center distance of the holes in the diagonal push rods. If you bought yours it's reasonable to assume they are all the same length that you ordered. If you assembled them yourself, and you used a jig you can assume the same thing. However if even with careful planning and execution you ended up cutting on the wrong line...well then make sure to measure.
- #define DELTA_SMOOTH_ROD_OFFSET 144.55 // mm Horizontal offset from middle of printer to smooth rod center. This will be the value you will need to adjust during calibration
- #define DELTA_EFFECTOR_OFFSET 19.9 // Horizontal offset of the universal joints on the end effector. This is the distance from the some reference point (say the face of the 1515 extrusion) to the pivot of the diagonal rod where it connects to the carriage. Why it's19.9mm instead of 19.5mm I'm not sure, because the height of the "Hiwin" rail and truck is 13mm and the half height of the carriage is 13/2 or 6.5mm so 19.5mm
- #define DELTA_CARRIAGE_OFFSET 19.5 // mm - This one comes from the SCAD file and is the distance from the center of the effector to the diagonal rod pivot point.
#define DELTA_RADIUS (DELTA_SMOOTH_ROD_OFFSET-DELTA_EFFECTOR_OFFSET-DELTA_CARRIAGE_OFFSET). What good is the DELTA_RADIUS you say, well, that is how the firmware will map a Cartesian coordinate pair (X, Y) to a delta coordinate pairs. Here is a sample:
Looking at the delta layout image, imagine yourself looking down from the top of the delta printer with the X and Y towers in the front left and right positions and the Z tower in the middle back. c is the center point and the distance from c to any of the x, y, or z (note the lower case) points is DELTA_RADIUS. In a delta, c is (0,0) with an imaginary horizontal x-axis line passing through c in the positive and negative direction. Similarly there is an imaginary vertical line through c representing the y-axis.
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Delta layout |

Now how do we calculate the x and y coordinates of these three points? Trigonometry, or triangular math. If you don't want to know or don't care, skip this step, it's going to use sine and cosine and some multiplication. There is a working radius where your effector can travel in a complete circle without hitting anything we'll call this radius R and for the mini we'll use 80mm. This means that the diameter of our circle is 160mm (you can use 85 and get 170 if you like too) and or x and y max values are -80 to 80 on the x and y axis, but not on the diagonals for the X (alpha) or Y(beta) towers. You know there are 360 degrees in a circle. If we take some point on the x-axis and rotate it counter clockwise 90 degrees that point would now be on the y-axis. It we rotate it another 90 (180 total) it would be on the x-axis but on the negative or left side of the y-axis. Another 90 (270 degrees total) and we are on the y-axis in the negative region. And one more 90 (360 degrees) and we back where we started (full circle). Deltas are equidistant from one another or 360/3 = 120 degrees apart. Since the Z(gamma) tower is on the y-axis it's at 90 degrees...with me so far? So now if I add 120 degrees to 90 then we are at 210 degrees for the X(alpha) tower and 310 for the Y(beta) tower.
So now let's convert polar coordinates Ri at angle theta to Cartesian (x,y). For X tower we have Ri = DETLA_RADIUS and for point x in front (with the notion that the towers face inward to the center point c) of tower X(alpha) being 80mm and it's angle theta =210 degrees, (x=cos(theta)*Ri, y=sin(theta)*Ri). So we get point x coordinates= (-69.282, -40). Similarly for Y(beta) tower where theta is 310 we have (69.282, -40). Finally for tower Z(gamma) we have (0, 80).
Um ok, but what does this have to do with the editing of the configuration.h editing we were doing?
Yeah you caught me, I dove into the details a bit so getting back on track you'll need to find and set:
// Travel limits after homing
#define X_MAX_POS 90 // note how 90 is the default. You can make this 80 or leave it 90 for the mini, this is a "soft limit" and the firmware will not let you go to (110,110) if you set the max to 90 for both.
#define X_MIN_POS -90
#define Y_MAX_POS 90
#define Y_MIN_POS -90
#define Z_MAX_POS MANUAL_Z_HOME_POS // This one is important and you need to find the #define for MANUAL_Z_HOME_POS further down
#define Z_MIN_POS 0
#define MANUAL_HOME_POSITIONS // MANUAL_*_HOME_POS below will be used
// For deltabots this means top and center of the cartesian print volume.
#define MANUAL_Z_HOME_POS 250 // For delta: Distance between nozzle and print surface after homing. This is a measured value, and can change depending on your hot end length, your vertical extrusion lengths, and where your end stops are mounted.
Finally enable the EEPROM by ensuring the following two lines are uncommented
Temperature sensors

End stops
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Micro switch |

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End stop header on RAMPS Note: X+ is to the right of X- some for Y and Z |
This tells the AVR to connect all of the end stop pins internally to Vcc (5V) via an internal resistor to limit current. If you are using a different endstop (opto, hall, etc..) then you may not need this internal pullup resistor. Using typical digital logic, 0 volts equals a logic 0 (aka false) and 5V (Vcc) = a logic 1 (aka true). So right now, if we do nothing else, then we would see false when the switch is not depressed and true when it is. So we don't need to invert the logic. You will need to make sure all of the [x,y,z,min,max]_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false in your configuration.h.
Steps per unit
You need to tell the firmware how many steps it needs to send tot he stepper driver to move the carriage 1 mm. There are calculators that you can use to get this,= but if you are using 1/16th microstepping drivers, GT2 belts, and 16 tooth pulleys you would enter 100 for the X, Y, and Z motors. If you have 1/32 microstepping then you would use 200.
#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {100,100,100,506}
The last number is specific to your extruder and in my opinion should be directly measured by following this calibration guide.
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